Joe Giglio

Why I Choose to Serve

The words ‘stand up to be counted’ have been shouted out for many years. Following the initial Panama Papers revelations, and the troubling events that followed since, this call to action grew clearer, stronger, louder. I salute all those, who heeded this call and acted, unleashing an undeniable force that shook a corrupt government to its very foundations.

It was also this same call that spurred me to step out of my comfortable personal and professional space and speak out.

Today, I stand at the start of a new chapter as a candidate for the Nationalist Party on the 9th and 10th electoral districts. No matter its imperfections, the Nationalist Party upholds the core values of solidarity, integrity and social justice that I have always believed in.

My decision to enter politics is not about any short-term gains but is driven by a clear set of long-term goals. Firstly, an invigorated and purposeful Nationalist Party that functions as a strong opposition and a credible government in waiting. This proud party is slowly but very surely emerging from a period of uncertainty, and gathering strength as a force for the political, social and economic change that Malta desperately needs.

I intend to contribute to this change, working to promote clear and evidence-based policies that bring about tangible improvements in our quality of life.

A few weeks ago, I presented to the Party its first ever social media charter to promote better behaviour on social media by all PN candidates. I have also taken the initiative to kickstart a series of policy groups, tasked with studying key socioeconomic issues to help me and, more importantly, the Party, identify solutions that will better define the Malta we really want to see in the future. This is the evidence-based approach I intend to uphold within the Party: less talk, less fluff, more viable policies that are built on Malta’s actual needs and challenges.

Secondly, I aspire to create a platform that speaks about the current issues that we face yet reaches into a long-term vision that will benefit every corner of our society. Economic growth has been the mantra of every government in Malta since Independence. Under the current Labour administration especially, it appears to have been the sole driving force, fuelling corruption and poor governance, and resulting in a highly inequitable distribution of wealth that has seen our GDP rise as poverty and social alienation grow more entrenched.

I believe that this GDP fixation must shift beyond looking at purely economic indicators as a measure of success, and cater for wider wellbeing markers of living standards which take into account social and environmental factors as well as traditional financial ones. On this basis economic growth must not be the sole end goal, but it should rather serve as a foundation for wider progress and equality.

Thirdly, I intend to be out there, listening to all those who face the daily challenge of achieving an education, earning a wage, raising a family or planning for retirement. My life as a lawyer taught me all too well what lies beneath the surface of Maltese life, the importance of understanding the many different experiences that form so many lives. I intend to sustain this connection throughout my political life, to better inform my thoughts and actions as I lend a much-needed voice to those that place their trust in me.

I look towards a Malta in which good governance and integrity in public office are a given, and where we can knuckle down and work towards a society which upholds decency and sustains inclusive social and economic wellbeing.

This is the Malta I want for my children and for yours. This is the Malta we truly deserve. This is why I choose to serve.

This opinion was first published on Times of Malta as a Talking Point on 27 November, 2020.